Asset Publisher

The municipal departments lack human resources

March 21, 2024

The Defender participated yesterday, as she does every month, in the transfer of issues to the Complaints and Suggestions Plenary Committee. As always, she addressed the issues associated with her work, all with the presence of the media since it was an open meeting.

Among other topics, the Defender once again brought up a problem that has already taken root in municipal administration, THE LACK OF HUMAN RESOURCES.

The Defender's experience tells us that there are many areas that do not respond in a timely manner to the requests of the citizens, and they do not do so due to a lack of competence or capacity. We acknowledge the professionalism and significant efforts made by the departments in fulfilling their duties, but the LACK OF HUMAN RESOURCES, coupled with the increased workload, has overwhelmed the municipal departments, which cannot cope with everything they have on their plates, thus making work impossible.

Some department heads have submitted feasibility reports to their councilors, demonstrating that the provision of new resources would improve services and even benefit municipal coffers, allowing them to respond to citizens instead of witnessing the cancellation of cases due to expiration as a result of the inability to respond within the established timeframe.

The Defender already highlighted this exact situation in the Committee in November 2022, during the previous term, reiterated it yesterday, and will continue to highlight it until a solution is found, as the improvement of citizen service depends on it, among other factors.

Date last modified: March 22, 2024