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He is visiting us, the representative of CEDRE in the Balearic Islands.

November 14, 2023

Today, November 14th, the Ombudsman has held a working meeting with the CEDRE Service (Council for the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination) for the assistance and guidance of victims of discrimination, led by the Red Cross in our autonomous community.

This service performs an extraordinary task and offers:

  1. Support and independent advice to individuals who have been discriminated against due to their racial or ethnic origin in any area (education, health, housing, employment...).
  2. Promoting measures that contribute to equal treatment and the elimination of discrimination.
  3. Advice and information on anti-discriminatory practices.
  4. Promoting information, awareness, training, and other activities.
  5. Acting as an intermediary and mediating between conflicting parties.

In this context, our organizations have met to exchange data in order to establish mechanisms for collaboration and cooperation with the aim of improving networks for the defense of citizens' rights.

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Date last modified: December 19, 2023