How are the claims and complaints processed?

How are the claims and complaints processed?

The complaints and suggestions that are submitted to the ombudsman do not have any effect on the time limit settings for actions that need to be undertaken by means of the administrative or judicial system. In case the complaint is not accepted, the ombudsman will notify this fact to the party having placed the claim in written form and will also inform the affected party about the best way to undertake the action, if applicable. If the claim is being accepted, the Ombudsman's Bureau will have to inform the Commission responsible for the Citizen's Rights about the claim and undertake any applicable investigation measures. Irrespectively from the indications stated in the annual report, the actions undertaken by the Bureau of the Citizenship Ombudsman are confidential. Once the investigation has been concluded, the ombudsman must inform the person placing the claim or complaint as well as the authority, the public official or the public employee affected by the claim about the results of the investigation. The ombudsman is not entitled to cancel any actions or decisions taken by the municipal Administration, but he may suggest alternatives for improvement. He may also express warnings or suggestions in cases he may consider appropriate.

Date last modified: March 9, 2023