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The new chief superintendent of the Local Police meets with the Ombudsman

January 31, 2024

Yesterday, on January 30th, the Ombudman received Mr. Mascaró, the new chief superintendent of the Local Police, at her offices, accompanied by Mr. Busquets, councilor for Citizen Security, and Mr. Pla, the new director general.

The meeting allowed addressing some of the concerns shared with the police. Probably, the most important issue, and the one that receives the most complaints from both the Local Police and Ombudsman, is the NOISE. Precisely to address this issue effectively, the need for updated tools was discussed, and therefore, the modification of the Civic Ordinance is foreseen.

There was also discussion about taking new initiatives to improve the circulation of VMP, while waiting for new state guidelines on aspects such as the need for identification with a license plate, the obligation of insurance, or the requirement of a qualification title for drivers.

The almost two hours of the meeting were very productive, but some issues remained pending, and the councilor for Citizen Security himself proposed giving this meeting a regular frequency.

Date last modified: February 26, 2024