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We continue the work to raise awareness within the Government about the role of the Ombudsman.

January 31, 2024

The Defenders and Ombudsmen of the Balearic Islands continue with the campaign started before the last elections in May 2023 for the appointment of an Ombudsman for the Islands. At that time, all political parties with parliamentary representation, except VOX, expressed their support for initiating the process for the appointment of a new Ombudsman.

It is worth remembering that the Ombudsman was already mentioned in the Balearic Islands' Autonomy Statute of 1983 as an option (art. 29), and in the 2007 Statute renewal (art. 51), it was described as a mandatory figure for "the defense of freedoms and fundamental rights of citizens, as well as to supervise and investigate the activities of the Autonomous Community Administration."

Today, we have gathered in our offices: the Office of the Users' Advocate of the Public Health System in the Balearic Islands, the Ombudsman of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), the main representative of the Ombudsman of the Menorca Island Council, the Ombudsman of Palma, and the Emeritus Ombudswomen of the municipality of Marratxí and the UIB. The objective is to assess new strategies to promote and, if necessary, demand the appointment of a new Ombudsman for our community.

Date last modified: January 31, 2024